welcome to the animals' den ...

you've stumbled into the homepage of a CHIMERA! i'm a collection of animals who live on the web. you know this is my digital nest you've wandered into just now, right? if you'd like to - feel free to look around, stay for a little while and rest your paws.

this website doubles as a place of artistic expression, a place to dump my thoughts, and a place to collect all of my favorite things like a dragon. it's meant to be viewed on a computer, ideally with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 - though efforts are ongoing for mobile optimization.


4/20/24: slowly began to rollout animal's den 3.0 🐾, which revamped the site layout site-wide and includes (hopefully) decent mobile responsiveness!

4/20/24: comments are now possible on journal entries

4/10/24: added soul silver hub page - reworked pokemon css

4/05/24: added pokemon guidebooks

4/01/24: april fools!

3/25/24: finished the sitemap

3/20/24: changed web hosts from neocities to nekoweb, incurring lots of small changes around the site

3/19/24: transformed pokemon hub

10/8/23: updated fennekin and flareon collections

10/5/23: added a styleswitcher

10/4/23: totally new index page! animal's den 2.0 🐾

9/24/23: updated about... mind the gap!

5/17/23: uploaded some digimon scans and an AMV

5/2/23: added an undertale hub (finally)

4/29/23: added a digimon hub and a few pages to it

3/23/23: made a sitemap, including future site plans

3/9/23: more journal, made site wider, misc edits

3/2/23: made a journal to bitch in

2/18/23: added flareon's collection page

2/17/23: fixed iframes some more, added status to the homepage, and started on the cassettes collection!

2/15/23: figured out iframes (thank god), added an "about" page, and a small update to my fennekin collection

2/13/23: added pokemon + fennekin collection pages!

2/12/23: main site layout established now for the content!

today's video

(Don't expect this to *actually* update daily...)

page resource credits

i try to source whatever i can, and i'll try my best to keep this updated.

PMD icons: PMDcollab.org
Sidebar dragon dividers Quazar
8-bit bullets: 8-bitspider @ DeviantArt